Stool test for bowel cancer

Anatori Sealife Comments 0 25th October 2018
Stool test for bowel cancer. polyps oncology. Good bacteria in our digestive system and intestinal tract. Symptoms

/Stool test for bowel cancer./ The earlier a malignant tumour is detected, the better the prognosis. Meanwhile, some types of cancer are diagnosed mainly in the later stages. They give almost no symptoms in the initial stages, and the sick person does not suspect anything.

Scientists have created special laboratory tests that, if the patient does them promptly, can identify tumours in the early stages of cancer. The stool test for bowel cancer is one such research project.

The next test is to determine the PSA level. PSA, a prostate-specific antigen, is produced in the prostate. The sperm must be liquid.


Typically, it enters the blood in tiny quantities. If tumour cells appear in the prostate gland, the PSA “release” into the blood increases—a diagnostic study based on this fact. Further, doctors take the blood from a vein for analysis and calculate the amount of antigen in it.

Increased levels of PSA in the blood are not a reason for panic. Both cancer and adenoma (benign prostate cancer). As well as prostatitis can lead to it. In any case, doctors need additional studies to clarify the diagnosis.

The Pap test can detect cervical cancer (CC) in the early stages and a precancerous condition. When the cells had not yet become tumour cells, they had already begun to mutate.

The importance of such research as a stool test for bowel cancer

A stool test for bowel cancer or latent bleeding is necessary for the early detection of colon cancer. It is the second most common cancer after breast cancer in women and the third after prostate and lung cancer.

Malignant intestinal tumours and polyps often degenerate into cancer and usually bleed. Many patients visit the doctor precisely because they see blood in the faeces. However, severe bleeding occurs only in the later stages. In the early stages, detecting blood with the naked eye is impossible. However, it is realistic to identify blood in the laboratory during the analysis.


At the age of fewer than 50 years, experts recommend the test only for those who have had cases of early colon cancer in the family, at the age of more than 50 years – annually. The doctor determines the frequency of analysis.

For example, blood can enter the faeces because of tumours, polyps and bleeding gums. Therefore, specialists recommend refraining from brushing your teeth the day before the test and when you carry it out. It is necessary to abandon the dietary supplements of iron, foods rich in vitamin C, aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for three days.

The stool test for bowel cancer will allow starting treatment in time to prevent the same disease and maintain the body healthy. We recommend undergoing colonic hydrotherapy periodically.