Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli populate the healthy gut. Their metabolic products are amino acids, vitamins, and enzymes. These substances help the bowels perform their functions and are also necessary for the normal functioning of the whole body. Colonic irrigation in Salisbury allows for the restoration of healthy intestinal microflora.
Let’s clarify the colonisation of the bowels by pathogenic microorganisms and how to solve this problem with the help of сolonic irrigation in Salisbury.
Bifidobacteria produce acids that are essential for the immune system. They also facilitate the colon’s function by neutralising the impact of toxins.
Numerous scientific studies have shown that beneficial microflora inhibit the ageing process and prevent the development of many pathologies.
Currently, colonic treatments are available at our Holborn location in the centre of London.
Colon irrigation and comprehensive consultation with a professional colon hydrotherapist registered with RICTAT and ARCH at the Parkland Clinic in Holborn. We use a closed system only—London’s best colonic hydrotherapy deal.
Under the abovementioned adverse factors, the number of beneficial bacteria decreases, making the microflora unhealthy and producing toxic waste products. The growth of colonies of unfriendly bacteria disrupts digestion and absorption of nutrients and vitamins, resulting in compromised immune function.
With regular overeating and the use of low-quality food, including alcohol or a lack of digestive enzymes, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract can not cope with the digestion of food. In short, incompletely digested proteins become a breeding ground for the reproduction of putrefactive bacteria. Also, an excess amount of carbohydrates favours the development of fermentation microflora in the intestine. You can go through the colonic irrigation procedure in Salisbury to get rid of it.
The release of toxins and gases accompanies the decay of rotting and fermenting food. It disturbs the equilibrium of the beneficial flora and can lead to spastic or atonic/sluggish intestines, paralysing its muscles.
The ideal pattern of colonic treatments includes three alkalising colon hydrotherapy treatments with sodium bicarbonate, one anti-parasitic implant on the first treatment, one liver and gall bladder stimulating herbal implant on the second treatment, and a high-strength probiotic implant on the third colonic.
They also enter the blood through the lymphatic system of the large intestine, poisoning the body and causing the symptom of “chronic fatigue.”
Colonic irrigation in Salisbury can also correct immune function disorders. It effectively restores the microflora and the health of the intestine.
The intestine is the largest immune organ because its mucous membrane contains 80% of the body’s immune-competent cells. Our health largely depends on the function of these cells and the balance of the intestinal microflora.
Cluttered intestines are often the cause or favourable environment for developing infectious and autoimmune diseases and allergic reactions.
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