Bowel oncology

Anatori Sealife Comments 0 14th October 2018
What are the recipes for intestinal cleansing? Bowel oncology/intestinal cancer

Bowel oncology is a dangerous disease that requires complex and sophisticated treatment. By combining cancer of the rectum, sigmoid and colon, and carcinoma of the caecum into one statistical unit, physicians point to similar causes and mechanisms for developing these diseases.

Intestinal cancer has been first among the malignant digestive tract tumours in Europe and the United States in the last decade.


The leading causes of colorectal cancer are:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • excessive consumption of “red meat” (pork, beef, lamb);
  • frequent use of even small doses of alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • The diet of fresh vegetables, fruits and cereals, fish and poultry is insufficient.

These factors can lead to the appearance of polyps and, as a result, bowel oncology development.

Bowel oncology: symptoms, prevention and treatment

The symptoms of intestinal cancer depend on the location and stage of a tumour. However, similar symptoms can indicate other diseases. Besides, an important fact is that symptoms often appear only in the advanced stages of cancer.

The most common symptoms are:

  • Blood in faeces;
  • Lots of mucus in faeces;
  • Alternating stools – diarrhoea or constipation;
  • Stomach ache,
  • Weight loss,
  • Weakness, powerlessness.

However, none of these symptoms is specific only to intestinal oncology. For example, blood in the faeces may appear with haemorrhoids, and intestinal infection may cause diarrhoea.


Thus, patients with suspected intestinal cancer should have an urgent examination. During the manual examination of the rectum, physicians can feel the pathological mass. That may also indicate rectal cancer located close to the anus. However, the doctor may need imaging diagnostic studies to inspect segments of the intestine beyond the rectum or to confirm the presence of a tumour in the rectum.

When the diagnosis and stage of cancer are beyond doubt, the consultation of experts at the oncological conference decides on treatment tactics. Apply surgical treatment and irradiation of a tumour (both before and after surgery). Internationally accepted standards carry out chemotherapy. The prevention of bowel oncology is colonic hydrotherapy in our clinic, where supervised specialists perform it.