Colon cancer symptoms

Anatori Sealife Comments 0 25th October 2018
Colon cancer symptoms

Pathological processes diagnosed in the colon, such as polyps and inflammatory diseases, can lead to a malignant tumour. At the same time, the patient may not guess about developing a terrible pathology for a long time. How do you keep the situation under control, and what symptoms are alarming? Oncology of the large intestine, the signs of which have already appeared, requires immediate medical attention.

Both men and women are equally at risk for developing colon cancer. However, the course of the disease does not depend on gender either. The only difference is which body parts are more vulnerable in women or men. Thus, the diagnosis often finds rectal cancer in men – up to 60% of cases, and colon cancer in women – up to 55% of cases.


The disease can begin at any age, but the diagnosis determines colon cancer, usually in patients older than 50. However, the highest cancer cases occur at 60 to 75 years.

Colon cancer is cunning because it may not manifest itself in any way in the early stages. However, some signs should alert the patient. The most common symptoms of confirmed colon cancer are frequent constipation, gas or faecal incontinence, bloating and false excrement.

Suppose there is blood in the faeces or stools stained crimson. It is a clear signal that an urgent examination is necessary. For instance, bleeding in the intestinal cavity may indicate a cancer process.

Symptoms and diagnosis of colon cancer

In general, the overall deterioration of health is noted in the case of colon cancer: weakness, loss of appetite and weight and dull abdominal pain. With a progressive process, anaemia appears, expressed by the overly pale skin intestinal obstruction. And the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum.

Specific symptoms express diseases of different parts of the colon.

So, severe pain occurs during a bowel movement if a tumour develops in the rectosigmoid colon (rectum and sigmoid). In the case of colorectal cancer, specialists often find purulent, bloody or mucous contaminants in the stool. When a tumour is in the transverse section of the colon, heaviness, discomfort, and aching pains in the upper abdomen are often confused with gastritis or pancreatitis.

Initial stage disease

It sometimes happens that the course of the disease is difficult to detect at the initial stage. Therefore, people over 50 should annually undergo preventive check-ups with a gastroenterologist. If the patient has confirmed colon cancer, the symptoms may not yet appear, but he already needs treatment.

After a detailed survey (anamnesis) of the patient, examination and palpation of the abdominal cavity, the doctor may suspect a tumour formation in the rectal area. Then, he prescribes a stool test for occult bleeding and a complete blood count. If tests have confirmed the physician’s assumptions, further examination is necessary. Colonic irrigation will help keep the intestines and the body as a whole in a healthy state.