Heavy metal removal using chlorella. Chlorella is a powerful detoxification aid for heavy metals and other pesticides. Numerous research projects in the U.S. and Europe indicate that chlorella can help the body break down persistent hydrocarbon and metallic toxins such as mercury, cadmium, lead, DDT, and PCB while strengthening the immune system response. In Japan, interest in chlorella has focused mainly on its detoxifying properties—its ability to remove or neutralize poisonous substances from the body.
This detoxification of heavy metals and other chemical toxins in the blood will take 3 to 6 months to build up enough to begin this process, depending on how much chlorella a person takes. Chlorella is a food. As such, it is almost impossible to take too much chlorella. This fibrous material also significantly augments healthy digestion and overall digestive tract health.
Chlorella comprises a fibrous, indigestible outer shell (20%) and its inner nutrients (80%). This fibrous material binds with heavy metals and pesticides, such as PCBs, which can accumulate in our bodies.
Colon hydrotherapy with high-strength probiotic implant and comprehensive consultation is available at Parkland Natural Health Clinic.
A clean bloodstream with abundant red blood cells to carry oxygen is necessary for a healthy natural defence system. Chlorella’s cleansing action on the bowel and other elimination channels and liver protection help keep the blood clean. Clean blood ensures the efficient transport of metabolic wastes away from the tissues.
Chlorella gets its name from the high amount of chlorophyll it possesses. Chlorophyll is one of the most incredible food substances for cleansing the bowel and other elimination systems, such as the liver and the blood. Green algae are the highest sources of chlorophyll in the plant world. Of all the green algae studied, chlorella has the highest, ranging from 3 to 5% pure natural chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll has a magnesium molecule at its centre, while haemoglobin has iron. It is important because magnesium is essential for the heart to function correctly. Every time our heart beats, it utilizes magnesium. Chlorophyll is effective against anaemia and stimulates the body’s production of red blood cells. It also helps carry oxygen around the body and to the brain. That is why chlorella is often called ‘Brain food’. Several researchers have suggested using chlorophyll as a medical therapy for anaemia.
Since chlorella has such a high chlorophyll content, people often find chronic bad breath disappearing in just a few days on chlorella.
Interferon is one of the body’s most remarkable natural defences against cancer. One way we fight cancer is to use agents to stimulate macrophage production and activity. Interferon is a natural body secretion, a stimulator of macrophages, and a tumour necrosis factor. Chlorella stimulates the activity of macrophages and T-cells by increasing interferon levels, thus enhancing the immune system’s ability to combat foreign invaders, whether viruses, bacteria, chemicals, or proteins.
This one is our most comprehensive food and drink test. The test analyses your client’s IgG antibody reactions to 208 food and drink ingredients. This test will highlight their food triggers and help you formulate an IgG-guided elimination diet together.
Chlorella contains chlorophyllase and pepsin, which are two digestive enzymes. These enzymes perform several essential functions in the body. However, chlorella has many more enzymes our bodies need. If it is, you have lost the crucial benefit of such enzymes.
Chlorella is Alkaline and Helps Balance Your Body’s pH. We must maintain a balanced body pH of about 7.2-7.4, which is almost neutral. However, most people are not balanced because of their low-quality diets of junk food, overcooked, processed foods, and fast food, including soft drinks with a pH of 2.7.
It is essential because most diseases start, live and thrive in an acidic environment and do not live well in an alkaline environment. Cancer rates have risen steadily so that now one-third of all people in the U.S. will get cancer in their lifetime. The rise of fast, junk and processed foods matches those of rising cancer rates. Thirty years ago, cancer in children was almost unheard of. Now, they have entire hospital wards given over to children with cancer. Including whole foods like chlorella in your diet is one step toward reducing your risks for cancer.
Studies have shown that chlorella tends to normalize blood sugar in cases of hypoglycemia. In hypoglycemia, blood sugar is too low. Proper blood sugar levels are necessary for normal brain function, heart function and energy metabolism, which are crucial in sustaining good health and preventing disease.
High blood pressure is one of the significant risk factors for heart attack and stroke. Those account for more fatalities in the United States than any other disease. Laboratory experiments have shown that regular use of chlorella reduces high blood pressure and prevents strokes in rats.
Colon irrigation and comprehensive consultation with a professional colon hydrotherapist registered with RICTAT and ARCH at the Parkland Clinic in Holborn. We use a closed system only—London’s best colonic hydrotherapy deal.
Three grams per day is the correct maintenance dosage of chlorella for a person to take. With this amount, you will not notice significant changes. However, your body will get many necessary nutrients, such as amino acids (protein), vital minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates and enzymes. However, taking 5-7 grams daily is quite common; at this level, you will notice significant changes in digestion, energy and overall health.
What Results Should You Expect When You Begin Taking Chlorella? Better digestion is first, especially if you have bad breath or constipation. However, many of the benefits of chlorella are subtle and not easily determined by how a person feels.
Take chlorella at any time of the day. We can take it all at once, but preferably, we should take it in small dosages throughout the day. Morning is also an excellent time to take chlorella. But never before or after drinking coffee or soft drinks since caffeine is hugely detrimental to the digestive process. Chlorella causes the bacteria in our stomachs, the Lactobacilli, to multiply at four times the ordinary rate. It is best to take it with meals as chlorella helps provide excellent digestion and, more importantly, better assimilation of nutrients.
Parkland Natural Health offers colon hydrotherapy with an anti-parasitic implant and bicarbonate of soda as an anti-candida agent. It includes comprehensive consultation.
Because of the fibre content in chlorella’s cell wall and other nutritional factors, when some people take chlorella for the first time, they may undergo cleansing reactions, sometimes called a “healing crisis”. This cleansing reaction occurs during intestinal activity, such as gas, cramping, constipation, or diarrhoea. This same cleansing reaction frequently happens when people switch from a low-fibre, “junk-food” diet to a high-fibre, natural diet. For this reason, some individuals may wish to start with less than the suggested amount and gradually increase to the recommended dose in 1-2 weeks. Susceptible individuals may want to start with as little as 300mg.
It is best to think of chlorella as the purest, most potent food. A person can not take too much chlorella because it is naturally detoxifying. Therefore, the fear of chlorella accumulating and becoming toxic to the body is absent. However, there is a “comfort level” in every person. We usually know how much chlorella to take per day. That level will be about 5-8 grams per day.
It is unheard of for a person to take 15-20 grams of chlorella daily. Suppose someone is trying to combat a disease with the fantastic medicinal properties of chlorella. It is a whole food, not a concentrate or extract. Therefore, because of its detoxifying abilities, you can NOT take too much of it.
Can Chlorella Be Given To Children? Absolutely. Chlorella promotes rapid growth in children and builds in their superior immune systems.
Colonic irrigation with highly anti-spasmodic enema herbs helps to void gas during colon hydrotherapy, especially in the presence of IBS and spasms. The enema contains Lobelia, Wild Yam root, Motherwort, Raspberry leaf, and Peppermint. The appointment includes an initial consultation.