According to its inventors, Oberon “allows diagnosing pronounced pathological processes. It also detects the earliest forms of the diseases or their predisposition”. However, it “does not belong to the class of medical equipment and consequently with the committees for certification and licensing of medical-purpose equipment.”
Meanwhile, the telemetry data processing diagnostic device Oberon is used for non-linear analysis. Oberon is also used to control the dynamic control of homoeostasis conditions. It provides a prognosis of treatment stages and possible complications.
Many holistic clinics and branches also use this device for preventative treatments with Oberon. Besides, this diagnostic device allows the doctor to substantially reduce the time required to express an estimation of the condition of a human organism as a whole system. Moreover, the invention is ideal for registering changes in human body organs and histological structures and allows:
This is our most comprehensive food and drink test. It analyses your client’s IgG antibody reactions to 208 food and drink ingredients. This test will highlight their food triggers and help you formulate an IgG-guided elimination diet together.
The Institute of Practical Psychophysics (IPP) associates have revolutionised computer system development. In short, it can independently detect and correct defects and pathologies in human organs and tissue! Institute staff has also produced an analogue. So, free diagnostic equipment enables close monitoring of all the stages in the transition from health to illness via fluctuating wave characteristics of body tissue and even individual cells or chromosomes.
Non-linear diagnostics systems are the most advanced medical technologies on the XXI century threshold. They also comprise unique diagnosis equipment based on spectral analysis of vortex magnetic fields in living organisms.
NLS also allows for the most detailed information on health or the earliest manifestation of disease, including cancer. Other investigation techniques, such as ultrasound, X-ray examination, computer-aided tomography, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), are impossible. However, they can only detect a developed condition.
Many experiments at the IPP confirm a close relationship between magnetic fields and fields used by the biological system for extra- and intracellular interaction. Moreover, the vortex magnetic fields are essential to information transfer and communication with the bio-system.
How do biological systems recognise and pick out the necessary information from the background noise? And, in what way do the intro and extracellular communications take place?
Alkalising colonic irrigation with bicarbonate of soda and high strength probiotic implants and comprehensive consultation is available at Parkland Natural Health Clinic.
The Institute’s research on energy fields around living plants and animals has concluded. It declares that magnetic fields exist of an exceedingly weak lowfrequency around biological systems. In trying to figure out the world of energetic fields, we have come close to understanding the phenomenon of the bio-field. However, people have been aware of it since immemorial, with some evidence found in the AyurVeda and traditional Chinese medicine.
The scientific discoveries that are the foundation of this method technologically add to the age-old wisdom of Oriental medicine. Besides, using the Chinese meridian system, we can see enigmatic Chi flow, which, in every way, reminds us of coherent photon flow.
Experiments on rabbits showed that animals, like humans, have a delicate tubular system. American scientist B Kim discovered it is approximately 0.5 to 1.5 microns in diameter.
Meanwhile, there are many ways to influence the meridian system intending to heal. However, they don’t seem to have much effect.
The equipment developed at the IPP enables the determination of the stable existence of any material system (object), including the human body, regardless of its structural organisation.
According to the theory of quantum entropy logic, information exchange between systems occurs distantly, associatively, and selectively due to the quanta of electromagnetic radiation, which has an energy equivalent to breaking the bonds of the system’s primary structure. The principles of this theory give reason to assert that there are unstable states in which the probability of the system’s destruction increases sharply during information exchange in biological systems.
The ideal pattern of colonic treatments includes three alkalising colon hydrotherapy treatments with sodium bicarbonate, one anti-parasitic implant on the first treatment, one liver and gall bladder stimulating herbal implant on the second treatment, and a high-strength probiotic implant on the third colonic.
The Oberon/Metatron, the basis of the introduced diagnostics system, operates according to the amplification of the initiating signal with the metastable system breaking up. Regarding physics, the Metatron is a system of electronic oscillator resonant at the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation, with its energy adequate to break the dominant bonds.
Magnetic moments of the molecule currents, affected by external physical fields, lose their initial orientation, which causes misalignment of the spin structures of the delocalised electrons of the cortex neuron admixture centres. And that gives rise to unstable metastable states, with their break up amplifying effect on the initiating signal. The hardware-software complex developed at the IPP enables the production of specific bioelectric activity of brain neurons.
In a certain way, the Oberon apparatus Takes the bearings of this radiation. If you follow the rules of quantum chromokinetics, you represent the entropy values of a system as spectral colour. However, the tints will change from pale yellow (minimum entropy values) through orange to red, purple, and nearly black (maximum entropy value).
More accurate computer-aided theoretical estimates define a series of stationary states corresponding to a specific entropy potential and selectively interacting with the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. Computer tomography and ultrasound scanners give doctors a three-dimensional projection of internal organs foreshortened in any required way.
An agreed colour superimposed on the picture enables the doctor, on an intuitive basis, to determine the brightness of the homoeostasis failure area on the organ projection. By comparing the tints of the range of colours and their arrangement on the computer. Displayed model of the organ as well as dynamics of their change. Time, one can see how destruction processes occur in biological structures and prognoses about the organism’s health status.
Parkland Natural Health offers colon hydrotherapy with an anti-parasitic implant and bicarbonate of soda as an anti-candida agent. It includes comprehensive consultation.
The doctor investigates individuals’ continuously decreasing cartographic quadrants (fractals), plotted and displayed to find pathology. That is the first time the world market has presented the latest medical technologies in an active homoeostasis control program, which research workers wrote at the Institute of Practical Psychophysics. Homoeostasis counteracts some environmental or active pathological agents.
For the first time in the world, the IPP’s research workers have developed capable equipment to tune the frequency of the organism’s nervous impulses and cells.
The fundamental principle in equipment development was the hypothesis that a human organism has an electromagnetic information framework. The IPP associates have brought together some friends in natural medicine. Thus, we can make a qualitative leap by working out a method of active homoeostasis control. Homoeopathy was immediately considered. Folle, Morell, and Schimmel further advanced Chinese acupuncture, the Indian YajurVeda, the chakra, the spin, and the phytotherapy theory.
Through theoretical and practical work, the IPP developed the Oberon apparatus, a low-frequency quantum generator. This work started at the end of the XIX century with the electronics genius Nikola Tesla. Later, it was carried on by some scientists whose names are worthy of mention. J. Lakhovsky, an outstanding French researcher, studied the effect of radio frequencies on animal health and plant conditions.
The great American scientist R. Rife researched the effect of radio and electrical frequencies on the human biological field. In 1950, R. Folle of Germany discovered and worked out an electrical testing system using acupuncture points on the human body, unlike Folles` electropuncture diagnostics method, in which energetic potentials of organs and systems are measured through active biological points (BAP) that indirectly reflect the condition of an organ. NLS diagnostics worked out at the IPP is to assess the organ’s state directly due to the resonance amplification of the radiation of the organ under investigation. And by taking the readings in a contactless way and utilising trigger sensors.
Discover the natural path to wellness with Parkland Natural Health. Colonic hydrotherapy with lemon juice belongs to acid enemas, in which lemon juice is added to the water injected into the bowels.
Computer memory has many pathological processes recorded, with a degree of manifestation, age, sex, and other differences. Thus, considering the frequency characteristics of the organ diagnostics equipment, we can compare them. A tendency towards its origination in combinatory processes, the virtual diagnostics mode enables diagnosing any process differently.
NLS Diagnostics offers fantastic opportunities for medicinal testing. The diagnostics system also provides unique opportunities to record frequency oscillations of medicinal preparations. The progress stored in computer memory can be immediately computer-aided compared with aspects of the pathological process. Thus, the most efficient remedy must be found.
The method of NLS diagnostics enabled with Oberon:
In light of the above, every disease is a failure of harmonious synchronisation in a biological object. Various sources can cause such failure. The simplest way is to use electromagnetic oscillations with the opposite sign. Thus, the algebraic sum of disharmonious and inverted electromagnetic changes would equal zero.
With those conclusions in mind, in the middle 70s, Dr F. Morell and E. Rashet, an electronics engineer, invented a technique and device called Mora. The method of information meta-therapy is a subsequent improvement of the Mora technique designed to solve the problems. The scientists of the IPP have turned to the experiments by Prof. S. Smit of Manchester University, who proved that water could remember coherent frequencies. Information therapy is a way to influence the patient’s body with the Oberon apparatus. It is also suitable for correcting the deranged intrabody balance and coherent radiation utilising information preparations (metazodes).
Metazodes are a specific combination of coherent frequencies. The computer detects them and uses them to get available medication forms with an orientated action. Metazodes are apt to awaken the dormant reserve of the organism. What accounts for the preparations’ entire sphere of influence and the absence of harmful side effects and contraindications when conventional remedies are simultaneously prescribed?
Colon cleansing with ENEMA HERBS & bicarbonate of soda is highly anti-spasmodic and helps void gas during colon hydrotherapy. It is especially beneficial in the presence of IBS and spasms. Your appointment will also include initial consultation.