Shankaprakshalana – the intestinal wash

Anatoli Silajev Comments 0 2nd August 2013
Shankaprakshalana - the intestinal wash

Shankaprakshalana is an extended version of the intestinal wash and is not that hard to say: shank-a-prac-sha-lana. “Shanka” means conch, and “prakshalana” means cleaning out. The ancient yogis conceptualized the digestive system as being like a conch. In other words, it is a long spiral-like passageway through which food travels. To clean out the whole digestive system from the mouth to the anus, they invented/discovered a wonderfully innovative but straightforward method.

Shankaprakshalana – the intestinal wash

Prepare warm saline water before eating any food or drinking the first morning. Drink the water one cupful at a time and do stretching exercises. Then, drink more water and perform the exercises repeatedly. After about 6 to 8 cups, the pressure rises inside the bowels, stimulating the urge to evacuate.


This technique has two versions: the short form Laghoo Shankh Prakshalana. The top way is that Poorna Shankaprakshalana should continue to complete bowel cleanliness, which may involve 20 – 60 cups of water and may take up to 4 hours. Yogis most often call it “Laghoo” and “Śaṅkha prakṣāḷana”, respectively.

The time it takes to get thoroughly clean depends on many circumstances. They include the number of times one has made the practice, physical fitness, emotional stability, internal blockages, remnant toxins, drug deposits, etc. The common symptoms of people needing to do this technique – are constipation, impure blood, lousy breath, pimples, menstrual problems, PMT, mental overload, repressed anger, depression, hormonal imbalances, anaemia, hepatitis, chronic infections, migraines, asthma, sinusitis, etc., – all mean that the body has not been cleansing correctly in the past.

Benefits of intestinal wash

Intestinal wash has several essential benefits for the body and mind, both in its short and extended versions. It is challenging, but you must also perform it under an expert’s supervision. No medicine can serve this purpose.

Saline water removes blockages and impurities from the gastrointestinal tract, which is advantageous for those suffering from constipation and digestive disorders such as stomach gas, stomach pains, and hyperacidity. It also benefits urinary and kidney health by preventing kidney stones and infections. Many diseases are indirectly related to intestinal health.


These include ‘impure’ blood disorders such as lousy complexion, acne, boils, and rashes. This procedure also significantly improves general health. The intestinal wash benefits menstrual-related problems in women, including PMS and irregular cycles. We also recommend it in cases of women’s infertility.

The extended version of the intestinal wash provides quick relief from several ailments. However, the short version also provides desired results over a more extended period when done regularly – about once a month.