How to lose weight forever?

Anatori Sealife Comments 0 25th July 2018
Dealing with cellulite with the help of specialised equipment. How to lose weight forever?

A plump lady often grows up from a thin child to a bony teenager. Looking at herself in the mirror, she remembers herself as slim. Moreover, it was hard to force her to eat in her childhood. Why did all this change? And how to lose weight forever?

It’s simple. After twenty years, human metabolism slows down as the situation changes. So, yesterday’s slender girl tried to select a diet from all conceivable and unthinkable. She also wants to get an answer to the central question, as it seems to her: is it possible to lose weight once and forever? Yes, she can. But this is a very long and challenging process. Besides, the key to success is proper planning.


The first tip for losing weight is to stick to one diet.

The worst way to lose weight is to combine several diets into one. “The boxed “diet” helped my girlfriend; the other ate once daily, and the third gave up fruits. I’ll try it all together. It will help! “

Unfortunately, the result will be the opposite.

It is best to study in advance for all the existing options. The diet should harmoniously fit into your lifestyle and not require unrealistic sacrifices. When you select, buy an original book or consult an expert.

Second: Hands off the “urgent” diets!

Short-term diets are useless. Not everyone will agree with this. And yet, it is foolish to think that restricting yourself from eating for a couple of weeks, you will lose weight definitively and irrevocably.

An adequately chosen diet can trigger weight loss, but you must change your eating to preserve the result.

Otherwise, you will return to the former, if not to a higher weight.

How to lose weight forever by changing food and fasting?

Third: Be careful with the monotonous diet.

If your diet consists of the same products for a long time, you will lose weight (if it’s not sweets or bakery products). But your body will suffer from a lack of nutrients.

Besides, over time, your body will adjust to this monotony and put back on the extra pounds. The diet ends sooner or later, and a healthy and balanced diet begins.

Fourth: Watch the time and control the fast.

Yes, intelligent magazines write that you have to eat every two hours. It varies from person to person. Some need to eat more often, and others can limit two or three meals daily. It is particularly applicable for those whose lifestyle is not physically active, and there is usually a contraindication. The body does not have time to burn calories, and the weight will grow at the speed of light.


Think about what time of the day you eat. Most of us skip breakfast often, but they eat a double at dinner. A healthy eating regime should be precisely the opposite.

Try not to eat after seven, well, in extreme cases, after nine, then drink. If you feel hungry, eat light vegetable soup or make chamomile tea with a spoonful of honey.

Our advice on how to lose weight forever will help you get rid of extra pounds. And colonic irrigation will remove all accumulated toxins from the body.