
Author: anatoli
Posted on: 17th May 2024

Neurangiosis designates inherently functional but different in origin and symptoms of vegetative disturbances. They are the consequences of neurohumoral regulation of the vegetative function. This disorder usually occurs during neuroses,…

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Chronic gastritis

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 17th May 2024

Chronic gastritis causes inflammation of the stomach mucosa. Besides, in some cases, it affects deeper layers too. It is also a widespread disease, accounting for about thirty-five per cent of…

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Do business with our online booking

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 9th March 2023

Online bookings, scheduling & payments are made easy We have developed a beauty and health-related marketplace over the past few years. Online bookings can help your business development by: Filling quiet periods Us…

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Liver and gall bladder flush

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 28th July 2022

Most people believe that gallstones can be found only in the gallbladder, but this is untrue. Besides, most gallstones form in the liver and gall bladder. It can be verified…

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Stress relief

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 6th December 2021

The influence of stress on the body Stress relief measures are essential for everybody to learn. The nervous system’s response to intense positive or negative situations is often in the form…

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Facts about coffee that sellers would never reveal. Benefit or harm?

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 23rd February 2021

Benefits or harm of coffee? Facts that sellers would never reveal. The popularity of coffee has spread worldwide throughout human history. However, its health benefits have been the subject of a…

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Benefits of the infra-red spine stretching bed

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 23rd May 2019

Infra-red spine stretching technology appeared due to centuries-old medical research on the spine of the musculoskeletal system. A tree needs a healthy root system to grow properly and sustain good health.…

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What to expect at your appointment with an osteopath

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 23rd May 2019

Allow a full hour for the initial consultation and treatment. For follow-up procedures, you may book a 30-minute appointment with an osteopath. What to expect at your appointment with an osteopath? During…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Fort William

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

One of the oldest methods of healing the body is cleansing the bowels with water. They now call it colon hydrotherapy in Fort William. Healers discovered a direct connection between…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Dingwall

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

Dingwall residents understand colon hydrotherapy as a gentle washing of the bowel with water or aqueous solutions. It supposes removing faecal waste, detoxifying, correcting the body’s mineral balance, and restoring…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Mold

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

Would you like to find colon hydrotherapy in Mold? Let’s look at a few significant subjects first. There is such a thing as “diseases of civilisation”, such as diabetes, hypertension, depression,…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Truro or an enema?

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

An enema or colon hydrotherapy in Truro is a medical procedure involving introducing water or other fluids and water solutions of medications in the rectum. Depending on the purpose of…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Winchester

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

Colon hydrotherapy in Winchester is well-known throughout the world. Many see it as a revolutionary method of treating constipation and severe gastrointestinal tract problems, but this therapy’s possibilities are much…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Glasgow in case of allergies

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

Colon hydrotherapy in Glasgow. Food allergies occur when the immune system identifies some food as foreign or harmful. The human immune system activates cells that produce antibodies – immunoglobulin. Antibiotics…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Dunfermline

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

Improving the body is one of the essential stages of a conscious and comfortable human existence. People living in a modern urban environment expose themselves to many adverse health effects.…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Weymouth

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

Colon hydrotherapy in Weymouth is an administered therapy that allows you to wash and clean the intestines effectively using a large amount of fluid. Colonic lavage is the alternative way…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Derby

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

Colon hydrotherapy in Derby is one of the therapies whose meaning is not immediately understood. The name is difficult to pronounce and sounds frightening. What is behind this word? Colon hydrotherapy…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Lancaster

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

The main task of colon hydrotherapy in Lancaster is to eliminate the pathological process in the bowels. To clarify, it is a source of intoxication for the body. Subsequently, it…

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Colonic irrigation in Great Yarmouth

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

Many people suffer from headaches, earthy complexion, problems with digestion, decreased performance and allergies of unknown origin. These symptoms can signal accumulated fatigue or the presence of a hidden disease.…

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Colon hydrotherapy in Glastonbury

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st February 2019

It should be clear that you need to consult with a specialist who carries out colon hydrotherapy in Glastonbury. You can often hear or read that pollution is the cause of…

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Colonic irrigation in Aberdyfi

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 30th January 2019

A healthy body is a pledge of vitality and a good mood. Besides, colonic irrigation in Aberdyfi will help you to maintain health. Moreover, colon hydrotherapy normalises the functioning of…

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Colonic irrigation in Antrim

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 30th January 2019

The physical attractiveness of a person depends largely on his health. Slags and toxins accumulated in the body will undoubtedly affect well-being and appearance, making the skin dimmer, greyish, and…

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Colonic irrigation in Bangor

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 30th January 2019

Colon hydrotherapy, or colonic irrigation in Bangor, is used to cleanse the colon. It contributes to cleaning the intestinal mucosa from toxins, bacteria and torn-away excrement. It helps to improve local…

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Colonic irrigation in Aberystwyth

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 30th January 2019

Colonic irrigation in Aberystwyth is a modern, effective method of cleansing the human body by washing its cavity with a large volume of purified water using specialised equipment. One of the…

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Colonic irrigation in Northampton

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 30th January 2019

Cleansing the body has already become a habit of many modern girls who monitor their health and body shape. But not everyone has the time and opportunity to undergo complex…

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Colonic irrigation in Peterborough

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 30th January 2019

Even in ancient times, healers of the most developed civilisations understood the need to cleanse the human body. A variety of techniques are available for that. Getting rid of substances…

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Colonic irrigation in Aberdeen

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 30th January 2019

One of the best procedures for cleaning the bowels is colon hydrotherapy. You may also call it colonic irrigation in Aberdeen. Its main advantage is that the walls of the…

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Colonic irrigation in Richmond

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 10th December 2018

What is body detox cleansing? Is this a must or a popular myth? Do the words “clean the body” and “how to cleanse the body of toxins” have the right…

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Intestinal bacteria and their effects on the body

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st November 2018

Maintaining an optimal balance of the intestinal microflora that inhabit the human colon is vital. It also allows the body to remain healthy on the internal and external. Moreover, we…

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What is a probiotic?

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 1st November 2018

Probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, and kefir and yoghurts with probiotics(beneficial bacteria), lactobacilli and live yoghurt cultures beneficially affect intestinal microflora in the bowel cavity. Probiotics are existing or specially bred cultures of…

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Beneficial intestinal bacteria

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 31st October 2018

/Beneficial intestinal and harmful bacteria or microflora./ The intestinal microflora is a collection of microorganisms whose vital activity is closely interrelated. Scientists have found about 500 different types of bacteria…

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Ways to deal with obesity

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 31st October 2018

Medical statistics in recent years are sad. However, they show that dealing with obesity has come to the fore. Those are part of a range of therapeutic measures to improve…

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Anti-obesity program

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 31st October 2018

Researchers have carried out numerous studies on the effect of excess weight on human health. They found that more than 90% of known diseases occurred because of obesity. So, overweight…

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A remedy for cleansing the intestines to prepare for a colonoscopy

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 3rd October 2018

Bowel cleansing before a colonoscopy is a standard procedure for patients before the examination. Without such preparation, a colonoscopy doesn’t start. In addition to changing the diet, doctors prescribe medicine…

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Deep colonic irrigation in London

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 26th September 2018

Deep colonic irrigation in London with mineral water is a hydrotherapeutic procedure. It purifies the intestine and removes pathological mucus, toxins, excreta, and putrefactive anaerobic bacteria. It also helps normalise…

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Correction of the intestinal microflora

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 7th September 2018

Correction of the intestinal microflora provides for: 1. Revision of food-using products: enriched with living microorganisms; containing prebiotics (oligosaccharides, dietary fibre, organic acids, etc.); providing products of bacterial metabolism. 2. Purpose of drugs containing probiotics. So,…

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Effective treatment of dysbiosis

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 28th August 2018

The most effective treatment of dysbiosis(harmful bacteria in the gut) can be achieved only by a sophisticated approach. A gastroenterologist should determine it from the results of laboratory tests. However, trying…

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Colitis of the intestine will no longer be a problem

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 27th August 2018

The inflammatory process of the colon is called ulcerative colitis or colitis of the intestine. Inflammatory bowel disease is the general term for a group of chronic pathologies when a…

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Is losing weight in a month safe?

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 23rd August 2018

It’s time to lose weight and limit the diet in calories. Unfortunately, the problem of excess weight is one of the most serious today. Many programs, methods and remedies to…

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What are the signs of bowel cancer?

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 22nd August 2018

Medics should identify the first signs of bowel cancer using instrumental methods of a visual examination of the walls of the colon. They should use sound or ray methods without…

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Intestinal microflora

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 16th August 2018

The intestine is not only an organ that digests food. Besides, the bacteria inhabit it are indispensable in protecting the body against infections. Moreover, the human immune system is 70%…

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How to lose weight without a diet?

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 12th August 2018

How to lose weight without a diet, or even quicker and without the help of nutritionists? It seems that this is a dream from the category of unrealisable. However, despite…

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Bowel rinsing with mineral water

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 11th August 2018

Holistic practitioners recommend bowel rinsing with mineral water in the event of failures in the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. This procedure clears the intestines of harmful substances and normalises…

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Author: anatoli
Posted on: 18th May 2018

A large proportion of people are living an unhealthy lifestyle and experience excessive flatulence. This phenomenon is known as meteorism. The accumulation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract occurs due to…

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Colonic irrigation – prevention

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 6th January 2014

The best method of prevention is colonic irrigation. Colon cancer appears more frequently in women, and rectal cancer is more common in men. Periodic cleansing would minimise the exposure of potential carcinogens to…

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Shankaprakshalana – the intestinal wash

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 2nd August 2013

Shankaprakshalana is an extended version of the intestinal wash and is not that hard to say: shank-a-prac-sha-lana. “Shanka” means conch, and “prakshalana” means cleaning out. The ancient yogis conceptualized the…

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Author: anatoli
Posted on: 13th July 2013

Acute tonsillitis is a widespread, severe infectious disease primarily affecting palatine tonsils. The inflammatory process may involve other areas of the lymphadenoid pharynx and larynx – the lingual, laryngeal and…

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Author: anatoli
Posted on: 20th February 2013

Hypermetropia, commonly known as farsightedness, is an ametropia in which parallel beams of light from distant objects focus behind the retina instead of directly on it. This optical condition occurs…

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Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 26th June 2012

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the blue bacillus, the primary pathogen of human infectious disorders. The microorganism can be isolated from the intestines of 5% of healthy people and up to 30% of…

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Respiratory infection

Author: anatoli
Posted on: 8th May 2012

Acute respiratory infection features severe cataracts of the upper respiratory tract. They belong to the anthroponotic group featuring an airborne transmission mechanism. Besides, the disease often affects children. There can…

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